This workshop will describe four community campaigns to promote awareness and experience of forgiveness, reduce depression and anxiety, and increase flourishing. Participants will identify more than 20 practical lessons for licensed mental health professionals and...
Friday 9/15 2:15 – 3:30 PM
414 | Where’s Your Anchor?: The Interplay Between a Biblical Worldview and Clinical Excellence
Since the pandemic in 2020, society has changed dramatically, which is reflected in the psychological profession. More people need services, and there is more demand for licensed mental health professionals to be both hope and light in a darkening world. Mental health...
412 | Practical Tools to Help Clients Have a Healing Encounter with God
Moving the client from talking about God to experiencing God is difficult for many ministry leaders. In this workshop, participants will explore practical tools that shift the focus from talking about God in session to facilitating encounters with God in session. As...
411 | Put Down Your Sword: Disarming Angry People
Many of the best minds in Christian counseling are attending to the critical issues of abuse and trauma. While that research flourishes, ministry leaders do not want to neglect the age-old human struggles, especially the problem of anger, which is a prominent...
410 | Young Adults and Adolescents vs. the Hydra, the Multi-headed Beast: Trauma, Addictions, Dopamine Depletion, and Spiritual Emptiness
With addictions, depression, anxiety, and suicide on a fast rise with Millennials and Generation Z, it is vital we understand that addiction is not an entity within itself but, instead, part of a toxic choreography spawned by attempts to overcome previously...
409 | Life Mapping: A Powerful Biblical Tool for Moving Families and Youth from Stuck to a Special Future
There is so much chaos and confusion in today’s world today. So many families and young people are stuck in unhealthy loops and despairing of any kind of positive future. So many are asking, “Where do I go from here?” LifeMapping® is a biblically based tool to use...
408 | Post-traumatic Growth: Becoming Better, Not Bitter, from Betrayal Trauma
Many licensed mental health professionals often talk about post-traumatic stress symptoms following traumatic life events, but few think about the possibility of post-traumatic growth (PTG)—the positive ways our clients can be transformed by trauma. Yet this is...
407 | The Dream Home: Essential Techniques for Helping Couples Increase Marital Intimacy
The divorce rate in the U.S. continues to be high (Perry, 2018; Stepler, 2017). Life coaches, pastors, pastoral counselors, or lay counselors can play a significant role in helping couples increase marital intimacy, strengthen their marriages, and avoid divorce...
406 | True Enjoyment: Married Women and Sexual Satisfaction through the Life Cycle
When it comes to sexual intimacy, unexpected factors often get in the way of a healthy and fulfilling marital sex life. Many of those factors have to do with things outside of the act of sex. It is essential for licensed mental health practitioners to have a thorough...
401 | Trauma, Self-image, and Spiritual Formation: How Trauma Impacts How We See Ourselves and God
Two of the most damaging aftereffects of adverse childhood experiences are their impact on how clients see themselves and how they experience God if they are Christians. This is of particular concern for licensed mental health professionals and ministry leaders...