Narcissists are well known for their ability to create relational difficulty, especially in long-term relationships (Lavner et al., 2016; Leckelt et al., 2015). Partners of narcissistic individuals frequently present in therapy due to relational turmoil. Licensed...
Christian Psychology: Theory, Practice, and Integration
620 | Using Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) to Access the Spiritual Core of BIPOC Clients and Facilitate Recovery from Racial Trauma
For licensed mental health professionals, accessing the spiritual core of the self is underutilized in psychotherapeutic practice (Captari et al., 2018). In this workshop, the presenter will present spirituality from a Christian worldview highlighting cultural...
520 | Transforming Triggers of Self-Shame into Reminders of Irrevocable Acceptance
“I know Jesus has forgiven me, but I can’t get past what I’ve done.” How many times have clinicians heard this? Christian clients unable to move beyond allowing their sin to define them can remain stuck in past failures, despite Christ’s complete forgiveness. Focusing...
420 | Treatment of Early Attachment Trauma: Jesus as the Ultimate Secure Base
Attachment is conceptualized as the desire to connect with others in a secure and stable way (Green, Marci, and Scholes, 2003). Humans need loving bonds with others to flourish. From a biblical worldview, humans, created in the image of God, are relational beings and...
320 | A Christian Approach to Memory Reconsolidation Therapy with Traumatized Clients
Often, clients come to therapy due to cyclic emotional distress, and reducing this distress is often a primary goal of treatment (Herz et al., 2020). Psychologists and licensed mental health professionals have struggled with what actually works in trauma therapy...
220 | Healing Conversations on Race: Biblical and Secular Psychological Foundations
In this session, the presenters will describe the Healing Conversations on Race (HEAL) model (Vazquez et al., in press) for building unity in cross-racial relationships through intentional conversations about racism and race-related topics, utilizing a Christian...
120 | Redemptive Integration: How Christian Therapy Reconciles Dissociated Parts of the Self
Christianity has always recognized that the fallen human soul is divided (Ps. 42:6; Jer. 17:9; Rom. 7; Eph. 4:22-24; Ja. 1:8), and it has always looked to Jesus Christ as the ultimate, transcendent source of the healing of that division through the gift of His peace...